Human Design

Human Design is a tool that I use to explain you to you.

This is what the Human Design System has to offer. Simply put, if you want to:

* Discover how to Improve the quality of your life in a simple yet immensely effective way.

* Make the right moment-to-moment decisions, resulting in improved relationships and career choices

* Manage the challenges that are part of daily life without getting overwhelmed

You have the innate ability to make choices that are in alignment with your authentic nature, and based in your personal Authority; this knowledge will empower you to live a fulfilling life

in your unique way.

Human Design offers a map of your unique genetic design, with detailed information on both conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. Using simple tools, it guides you in discovering your own truth. If you suffer from a lack of self-love or clarity about your purpose and the direction of your life, this system can help.

When you come to Human Design as an adult, it has the potential to awaken your innate wisdom and power. Your process of awakening to your true self requires two things: Education and Experimentation. For an adult, the road back to living life as yourself can be challenging: overcoming lifelong habits and the power of conditioning takes commitment, courage, and determination.

Taken from Human Design System’s founder, Ra Uru Hu’s official website,

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